Andres Tennus

University of Tartu rector candidates are Toomas Asser, Raul Eamets and Jaak Vilo

Today, on 13 March, the commission formed for the University of Tartu rector elections registered Professor Toomas Asser, Professor Raul Eamets and Professor Jaak Vilo as rector candidates.

Professor Toomas Asser was submitted as a candidate by the council of the Faculty of Medicine, Professor Raul Eamets by the council of the Faculty of Social Sciences, and Professor Jaak Vilo by the council of the Faculty of Science and Technology.

Chair of the election commission, Professor of English at the University of Tartu, Raili Marling, is pleased that the faculties have nominated such strong and diverse persons as rector candidates. “I am sure the university family will get to hear constructive debates,” Marling said.

Toomas Asser is a member of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, a Professor of Neurosurgery, and since 2018, the Rector. Raul Eamets is a Professor of Macroeconomics, an economist, and since 2016, the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences. Jaak Vilo is a member of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, a Professor of Bioinformatics, and Head of the Chair of Data Science.

The rector candidates will have a public debate in the university assembly hall on 4 April at 15:00. All interested are welcome. The election meeting takes place on 20 April at 12:00 in the university assembly hall for members of the electoral council only.

The rector is elected for five years; the term of office starts on 1 August 2023.

Rector elections are governed by the statutes of the University of Tartu and the rector election rules. Further information is available on the website

Professor Toomas Asser, professor Raul Eamets ja professor Jaak Vilo. Fotod: Andres Tennus ja Kertu Saar

Professor Toomas Asser, Professor Raul Eamets and Professor Jaak Vilo. Photos: Andres Tennus and Kertu Saar

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Tartu Ülikooli rektor Toomas Asser

Toomas Asser was elected the rector of the University of Tartu

Tartu Ülikooli peahoone

RECORDING: Electoral council elects the rector of the University of Tartu