Department of Botany - University of Tartu

Our department studies ecology and systematics of plants at several organisational levels – from photosynthetic apparatus to global vegetation patterns. Molecular methods have found their way into all branches of biology. Our department attempts to be at the cutting edge – utilisation of novel molecular techniques has become the rule rather than exception. At the same time, we have not forgotten classical botany and ecology – we still respect our plants and fungi and teach our students to be able to identify them from sight.

About the Department
#recognition  #UT in media
The government of Estonia has approved the laureates of this year’s national research awards. Seven researchers of the University of Tartu were recognised with annual awards.
#cooperation #research #news
Led by the Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Centre for Sustainable Development of the University of Tartu, a guidance material has been developed for researchers on how to conduct interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research. 
#sustainability #university #news
From 10 to 16 February, the University of Tartu will have a thematic week for Women in Science, aiming to underline the role of women and girls in science, break gender stereotypes and encourage women to pursue a career in science. During the week, a discussion on ensuring equal opportunities is held, and the university’s gender statistics are presented. It is also possible to take a curator’s tour of the exhibition in the university’s museum and see a travelling exhibition about astronomers.
#sustainability #international #research #news
The results of cowslip observations carried out in over 5,200 locations shed light on the well-being of insect-pollinated plants under changing climate and land use conditions.