Chair of Chemical Education

Jaak Nerut
Professor of Electrochemistry
PhD (Physical and Electrochemistry)
+372 737 6625
Ravila 14a-5073
Heili Kasuk
Lecturer of Physical Chemistry
PhD (Physical and Electrochemistry)
+372 737 6626
+372 521 0406 (6626)
Ravila 14a-5039
Joana Jõgela
Teacher in General Chemistry 0.5 p
MA (Chemistry Teacher)
Vladislav Ivaništšev
Research Fellow in Physical and Electrochemistry
PhD (Chemistry)
+372 737 5161
Ravila 14a-5072
Lauri Kõlamets
Junior Research Fellow in Chemical Education 0.5 p
MSc (Teacher of Several Subjects in Basic School)
Erni Metsal
MSc (Chemistry, Bio- and Molecular Technology)
Ravila 14a