Elo Süld Head of Centre PhD (Theology) Ülikooli 18-308 elo.suld@ut.ee Research interests: historical and present-day context of Islam, the diversity problems in Islamic countries, Islamophobia in Estonia. CV and list of publications in Estonian Research Information System
Anastasia Sinitsyna Research Fellow in Asian Studies PhD (Economics) anastasia.sinitsyna@ut.ee Research interests: globalization and labor market adjustments to global structural shocks, migration and economic and social integration of immigrants, digitalization and new ways of work, including growth of remote work, rise of coworking spaces and increasing flexibility of work. CV and list of publications in Estonian Research Information System
Helen Haas Research Fellow in Middle Eastern Studies 0.375 p, Middle East Coordinator 0.3 p PhD (Religious Studies) Ülikooli 18-308 helen.haas@ut.ee
Research interests:
CV and list of publications in Estonian Research Information System