Saar, S.; Semchenko, M.; Barel, J.M.; de Deyn, G.B. (2018) Spatial heterogeneity in root litter and soil legacies differentially affect legume root traits. Plant Soil 1,12. DOI: 10.1007/s11104-018-3667-9
Semchenko, Marina; Lepik, Anu; Abakumova, Maria; Zobel, Kristjan (2018). Different sets of belowground traits predict the ability of plant species to suppress and tolerate their competitors. Plant and Soil, 424:157–169. DOI: 10.1007/s11104-017-3282-1
Semchenko, Marina; Saar, Sirgi; Lepik, Anu (2017). Intraspecific genetic diversity modulates plant–soil feedback and nutrient cycling. New Phytologist, 219 (1), 90−98. DOI: 10.1111/nph.14653
Abakumova, Maria; Zobel, Kristjan; Lepik, Anu; Semchenko, Marina (2016). Plasticity in plant functional traits is shaped by variability in neighbourhood species composition. New Phytologist, 211 (2), 455−463. DOI: 10.1111/nph.13935
Saar, Sirgi; Semchenko, Marina; Barel, Janna M.; De Deyn, Gerlinde B. (2016). Legume presence reduces the decomposition rate of non-legume roots. Soil biology and biochemistry, 94, 88−93. DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2015.11.026
Neuenkamp, Lena; Lewis, Rob John; Koorem, Kadri; Zobel, Kristjan; Zobel, Martin (2016). Changes in dispersal and light capturing traits explain post-abandonment community change in semi-natural grasslands. Journal of Vegetation Science, 27 (6), 1222−1232. DOI: 10.1111/jvs.12449
Kraut, A.; Liira, J.; Lõhmus, A. (2016). Beyond a minimum substrate supply: sustaining saproxylic beetles in semi-natural forest management. Forest Ecology and Management, 360, 9−19 DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2015.10.016
Emmerson, M.; Morales, M. B.; Oñate, J. J.; Batáry, P.; Berendse, F.; Liira, J.; Aavik, T.; Guerrero, I.; Bommarco, R.; Eggers, S.; Pärt, T.; Tscharntke, T.; Weisser, W.; Clement, L.; Bengtsson, J. (2016). How agricultural intensification affects biodiversity and ecosystem services. Advances in Ecological Research, 55, 43−97. DOI: 10.1016/bs.aecr.2016.08.005
Rünk, Kai; Pihkva, Karin; Liira, Jaan; Zobel, Kristjan (2016). Selection of source material for introduction of the locally rare and threatened fern species Asplenium septentrionale. Plant Ecology & Diversity, 9 (2), 167−173. DOI: 10.1080/17550874.2016.1182225
Kütt, Laura; Lõhmus, Kertu; Rammi, Ilmar-Jürgen; Paal, Taavi; Paal, Jaanus; Liira, Jaan (2016). The quality of flower-based ecosystem services in field margins and road verges from human and insect pollinator perspectives. Ecological Indicators, 70, 409−419. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2016.06.009
Lepik, Mari; Zobel, Kristjan (2015). Is the positive relationship between species richness and shoot morphological plasticity mediated by ramet density or is there a direct link? Oecologia, 178 (3), 867−873. DOI: 10.1007/s00442-015-3288-4
Jüriado, Inga; Leppik, Ede; Lõhmus, Piret; Randlane, Tiina; Liira, Jaan (2015). Epiphytic lichens on Juniperus communis – an unexplored component of biodiversity in threatened alvar grassland. Nordic Journal of Botany, 33 (2), 128−139. DOI: 10.1111/njb.00650
Leppik, E., Jüriado, I., Suija, A. and Liira, J. (2015). Functional ecology of rare and common epigeic lichens in alvar grasslands. Fungal Ecology, 13, 66−76, j.funeco. DOI: 10.1016/j.funeco.2014.08.003
Kalda, Oliver; Kalda, Rauno; Liira, Jaan (2015). Multi-scale ecology of insectivorous bats in agricultural landscapes. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 199 (1), 105−113. DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2014.08.028
Kalda, Rauno; Kalda, Oliver; Lõhmus, Kertu; Liira, Jaan (2015). Multi-scale ecology of woodland bat the role of species pool, landscape complexity and stand structure. Biodiversity and Conservation, 24 (2), 337−353. DOI: 10.1007/s10531-014-0811-6
Valdes, A.; Lenoir, J.; Gallet-Moron, E.; Andrieu, E.; Brunet, J.; Chabrerie, O.; Closset-Kopp, D.; Cousins, S. A. O.; Deconchat, M.; De Frenne, P.; De Smedt, P.; Diekmann, M.; Hansen, K.; Hermy, M.; Kolb, A.; Liira, Jaan; Lindgren, J.; Naaf, T.; Paal, Taavi; Prokofieva, I. ... Decocq, G. (2015). The contribution of patch-scale conditions is greater than that of macroclimate in explaining local plant diversity in fragmented forests across Europe. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 24 (9), 1094−1105. DOI: 10.1111/geb.12345
Semchenko, Marina; Saar, Sirgi; Lepik, Anu. (2014). Plant root exudates mediate neighbour recognition and trigger complex behavioural changes. New Phytologist, 204, 3, 631−637. DOI: 10.1111/nph.12930
Zhang, Qiaoying; Zhang, Yunchun; Peng, Shaolin; Zobel, Kristjan (2014). Climate Warming May Facilitate Invasion of the Exotic Shrub Lantana camara. PLoS ONE, 9 (9), 1−8, 10.1371/journal.pone.0105500.
Kook, Ene; Vedler, Eve; Püssa, Kersti; Kalamees, Rein; Reier, Ülle; Pihu, Silvia. Intra-individual ITS polymorphism and hybridization in Pulmonaria obscura Dumort. and Pulmonaria angustifolia L. (Boraginaceae). Plant Systematics and Evolution, 0 [ilmumas].
Rünk, Kai; Pihkva, Karin; Zobel, Kristjan (2014). Desirable site conditions for introduction sites for a locally rare and threatened fern species Asplenium septentrionale (L.) Hoffm. Journal for nature conservation, 22(3), 272 - 278.
Liira, Jaan; Jürjendal, Iti; Paal, Jaanus (2014). Do forest plants conform to the theory of island biogeography: the case study of bog islands. Biodiversity and Conservation, 23 (4), 1019−1039, 10.1007/s10531-014-0650-5.
Vellak, Kai; Liira, Jaan; Karofeld, Edgar; Galanina, Olga; Noskova, Maria; Paal, Jaanus (2014). Drastic turnover of bryophyte vegetation on bog microforms initiated by air pollution in northeastern Estonia and bordering Russia. Wetlands, 34 (6), 1097−1108, s13157-014-0569-3.
Lõhmus, Kertu; Paal, Taavi; Liira, Jaan (2014). Long-term colonization ecology of forest-dwelling species in a fragmented rural landscape – dispersal versus establishment. Ecology and Evolution, 4 (15), 3113−3126, 10.1002/ece3.1163.
Triisberg, T; Karofeld, E; Liira, J; Orru, M; Ramst, R; Paal, J. (2014). Microtopography and the properties of residual peat are convenient indicators for restoration planning of abandoned extracted peatlands. Restoration Ecology, 22 (1), 31−39, rec.12030.
Winqvist, C.; Bengtsson, J.; Öckinger, E.; Aavik, T.; Berendse, F.; Clement, L.W.; Fischer, C.; Flohre, A.; Geiger, F.; Liira, J., Thies, C.; Tscharntke, T.; Weisser, W.W.; Bommarco, R. (2014). Species’ traits influence ground beetle responses to farm and landscape level agricultural intensification in Europe. Journal of Insect Conservation, 18 (5), 837−846, s10841-014-9690-0.
Budenkova, J.; Kardakov, A.; Liira, J.; Peterson, U. (2014). Cross-border comparison of forest cover changes in northeastern Europe caused by clear-cutting. Book of Abstracts: International conference "Forest landscape mosaics: disturbance, restoration and management at times of global change": International conference "Forest landscape mosaics: disturbance, restoration and management at times of global change", August 11-14, 2014, Tartu, Estonia. Ed. Kangur, Ahto; Metslaid, Marek; Moser, W. Keith; Trei, Piret. Tartu: Eesti Maaülikool, 22−22. (40).
Kardakov, A.; Budenkova, J.; Liira, J; Peterson, U. (2014). Farmland abandonment and forest area increase in northeastern Europe. Book of Abstracts: International conference "Forest landscape mosaics: disturbance, restoration and management at times of global change": International conference "Forest landscape mosaics: disturbance, restoration and management at times of global change", August 11-14, 2014, Tartu, Estonia. Ed. Kangur, Ahto; Metslaid, Marek; Moser, W. Keith; Trei, Piret. Tartu: Eesti Maaülikool, 45−45. (40).
Gerhold, P.; Price, J.N.; Püssa, K.; Kalamees, R.; Aher, K.; Kaasik, A.; Pärtel, M. Functional and phylogenetic community assembly linked to changes in species diversity in a long-term resource manipulation experiment. Journal of Vegetation Science, 24(5), 843 - 852.
Semchenko, Marina; Abakumova, Maria; Lepik, Anu; Zobel, Kristjan (2013). Plants are least suppressed by their frequent neighbours: the relationship between competitive ability and spatial aggregation patterns. Journal of Ecology, 101 (5), 1313−1321. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.12127
Sepp, Anette; Nettan, Siim; Abakumova, Maria; Kalamees, Rein; Lepik, Anu; Püssa, Kersti; Saar, Sirgi; Saarma, Merilin; Zhang, Qiaoying; Zobel, Kristjan; Semchenko, Marina. (2013). Community-level effects of plant-plant co-evolution and underlying mechanisms in calcareous grasslands. 227.
Liira, J; Ingerpuu, N; Kalamees, R; Moora, M; Pärtel, M; Püssa, K; Roosaluste, E; Saar, L; Tamme, R; Zobel, K; Zobel, M. (2012). Grassland diversity under changing productivity and the underlying mechanisms – results of a 10-yr experiment. Journal of Vegetation Science, 23(5), 919 - 930.
Lepik, Anu; Abakumova, Maria; Zobel, Kristjan; Semchenko, Marina (2012). Kin recognition is density-dependent and uncommon among temperate grassland plants. Functional Ecology, 26 (5), 1214−1220. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2435.2012.02037.x
Rünk, Kai; Zobel, Martin; Zobel, Kristjan (2012). Biological Flora of the British Isles: Dryopteris carthusiana, D. dilatata and D. expansa. Journal of Ecology, 100(4), 1039 - 1063.
de Bello, F.; Price, J.N.; Münkemüller, T.; Liira, J.; Zobel, M.; Thuiller, W.; Gerhold, P.; Götzenberger, L.; Lavergne, S.; Leps, J.; Zobel, K.; Pärtel, M. (2012). Functional species pool framework to test for biotic effects on community assembly. Ecology, 93(10), 2263 - 2273.
Semchenko, Marina; Lepik, Mari; Götzenberger, Lars; Zobel, Kristjan (2012). Positive effect of shade on plant growth: amelioration of stress or active regulation of growth rate? Journal of Ecology, 100, 459−466. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2745.2011.01936.x
Kalamees, Rein; Püssa, Kersti; Zobel, Kristjan; Zobel, Martin (2012). Restoration potential of the persistent soil seed bank in successional calcareous (alvar) grasslands in Estonia. Applied Vegetation Science, 15(2), 208 - 218.
Kalamees, R.; Püssa, K.; Tamm, S.; Zobel, K. (2012). Adaptation to boreal forest wildfire in herbs: responses to post-fire environmental cues in two Pulsatilla species. Acta Oecologica - International Journal of Ecology, 38, 1 - 7.
Götzenberger, Lars; de Bello, Francesco; Bråthen, Kari Anne; Davison, John; Dubuis, Anne; Guisan, Antoine; Lepš, Jan; Lindborg, Regina; Moora, Mari; Pärtel, Meelis; Pellissier, Loic; Pottier, Julien; Vittoz, Pascal; Zobel, Kristjan; Zobel, Martin (2012). Ecological assembly rules in plant communities—approaches, patterns and prospects. Biological Reviews, 87(1), 111 - 127.
Mägi, M.; Semchenko, M.; Kalamees, R.; Zobel, K. (2011). Limited phenotypic plasticity in range-edge populations: a comparison of co-occurring populations of two Agrimonia species with different geographical distributions. Plant Biology, 13, 177 - 184.
Semchenko, M.; Zobel, K.; Hutchings, M. J. (2010). To compete or not to compete: an experimental study of interactions between plant species with contrasting root behaviour. Evolutionary Ecology, 24(6), 1433 - 1445.
Pärtel, M.; Zobel, K.; Laanisto, L.; Szava-Kovats, R.; Zobel, M. (2010). The productivity-diversity relationship: varying aims and approaches. Ecology, 91, 2565 - 2567.
Rünk, K.; Zobel, M.; Zobel, K. (2010). Different factors govern the performance of three closely related and ecologically similar Dryopteris ferns with contrastingly different abundance in a transplant experiment. BOTANY-BOTANIQUE, 88(11), 961 - 969.
Semchenko, M.; Zobel, K.; Heinemeyer, A.; Hutchings, M.J. (2008). Foraging for space and avoidance of physical obstructions by plant roots: a comparative study of grasses from contrasting habitats. New Phytologist, 179(4), 1162 - 1170.
Gerhold, P.; Pärtel, M.; Liira, J.; Zobel, K.; Prinzing, A. (2008). Phylogenetic structure of local communities predicts the size of the regional species pool. Journal of Ecology, 96(4), 709 - 712.
Zobel, K. (2008). On the forces that govern clonality versus sexuality in plant communities. Evolutionary Ecology, 22(3), 487 - 492.
Aguraiuja, R.; Zobel, M.; Zobel, K.; Moora, M. (2008). Conservation of the Endemic Fern Lineage Diellia (Aspleniaceae) on the Hawaiian Islands: Can Population Structure Indicate Regional Dynamics and Endangering Factors? Folia Geobotanica, 43(1), 3 - 18.
Rünk, K; Zobel, K. (2007). Phenotypic plasticity and biomass allocation pattern in three Dryopteris (Dryopteridaceae) species on an experimental light-availability gradient. Plant Ecology, 193, 85 - 99.
Teder, T.; Moora, M.; Roosaluste, E.; Zobel, K.; Pärtel, M.; Kõljalg, U.;Zobel, M. (2007). Monitoring of biological diversity: a common-ground approach. Conservation Biology, 21(2), 313 - 317.
Semchenko, M.; Zobel, K. (2007). The role of leaf lobation in elongation responses to shade in the rosette-forming forb Serratula tinctoria (Asteraceae). Annals of Botany, 100(1), 83 - 90.
Lepik, M.; Liira, J.; Zobel, K. (2005). High shoot plasticity favours plant coexistence in herbaceous vegetation. Oecologia, 145(3), 465 - 474.
Semchenko, M.; Zobel, K. (2005). The effect of breeding on allometry and phenotypic plasticity in four varieties of oat (Avena sativa L.). Field Crops Research, 93(2-3), 151 - 168.
Kalamees, R.; Püssa, K.; Vanha-Majamaa, I.; Zobel, K. (2005). The effects of fire and stand age on seedling establishment of Pulsatilla patens in a pine-dominated boreal forest. Canadian Journal of Botany-Revue Canadienne de Botanique, 83(6), 688 - 693.
Lepik, M.; Liira, J.; Zobel, K. (2004). The space-use strategy of plants with different growth forms, in a field experiment with manipulated nutrients and light. Folia Geobotanica, 39(2), 113 - 127.
Kalamees, R.; Püssa, K.; Zobel, K. (2004). The germination of Pulsatilla patens (L.) Mill. – a presumably fire-related species – in a prescribed burning experiment in Evo, Finland. Transactions of the Faculty of Forestry, Estonian Agricultural University (103). Tartu: Estonian Agricultural University
Reier, Ü.; Zobel, M.; Zobel, K.; Ingerpuu, N.; Moora, M.; Kull, O.; Saat, T. (2004). Costa Rica [Videosalvestis] : TÜ Botaanika ja Ökoloogia instituudi ekspeditsioon Costa Ricasse.